

Acupuncture is a very safe and effective form of complementary alternative medicine. It involves stimulating very specific points on the body and/or ear, most often with a very thin needle, to help alleviate pain and treat various health conditions. The size of an average acupuncture needle is about 1/20th the size of a standard hypodermic needle used for drawing blood. 


Within the study of acupuncture, it is believed that disease is caused by disruptions in the flow of energy, or qi (pronounced chi), in the body. Qi energy flows through channels in the body called meridians. The purpose of acupuncture is to stimulate specific points on the body with needles, beads, or acupressure to release the disruption of qi along these meridians.  According to Chinese Medical Theory, acupuncture promotes healthy circulation of blood and qi because, “where there is free flow there is no pain, where there is pain there is no free flow”. By adjusting the flow of qi, acupuncture restores the harmonious balance of the body, enabling it to heal itself. 

Western medicine believes acupuncture works by stimulating the central nervous system, which sends signals to the muscles, brain, and spinal cord, releasing your body’s natural biomolecules (neurotransmitters, vasodilators, & hormones). Studies have shown that acupuncture helps to stimulate endorphin release, increase blood circulation, regulate hormones, alter pain receptor pathways, and decrease inflammatory responses.

Interested in trying Acupuncture? Click here for a list of services and prices.